Thursday, August 5, 2010

So sorry...

I need to start off by apologizing for not giving any updates in the past 3 months. It's been a busy and hectic summer. We've had some big and exciting changes in our lives! About 2 months ago, Matt was let go from Fidelity after 10 years. We were very nervous but had been expecting it for several months. Since Matt hadn't been feeling too well, we decided it was a good time for him to stay home and rest a little.
About a week into his unemployment, we got the best news ever! Our friend Dave came to our house one morning and told Matt that he has been going through the testing to donate his kidney. He came over to tell us that he was a match!! We couldn't believe was the most unreal moment, one I will always remember. Dave is a very good childhood friend of Matt's. Him and Matt have stayed very close throughout the years. Until recently, they went to the gym (or lunch haha) everyday together, since they both worked at Fidelity.
Dave had been seeing doctors at Mass General for the past month, and was actually the first person to complete the testing. We never thought we would so lucky as to find a match in the first person. I didn't even think that could be possible. We haven't scheduled anything yet. We are still waiting for the board to approve Dave as a good candidate to make it official. He is compatible with Matt, but they need to make sure that he is healthy and and in good condition to undergo surgery. We should know more in the next week or two, hopefully.
Dave, you really are an amazing person, and words can't possibly express how much you and your family mean to us. You will always be in our hearts.